Korea: Busan Day 1 [Taejongdae Park + Gwanggali Beach]

Korea: Busan Day 1 [Taejongdae Park + Gwanggali Beach]

Set th plane off Jeju in th afternoon & arrived at Busan in th night & we checked in into Blue Backpackers Hostel before starting our day th next day. Decided to head over to Taejongdae Park. Busan is much convenient to travel as compared to Jeju because there were MRTs. So we took th subway to Taejongdae Station before hitching a bus over to the park. Entrance fee was 1,500won each for youths :)

Designated as a Busan monument, along with Oryukdo Island, Taejongdae (태종대) represents Busan, and is especially famous for its rock beach. Featuring its highest peak at 250 meters, there are forests of pine trees and other 200 varieties of trees. Taejongdae was named after the 29th king of Silla Kingdom BC57-AD 935), King TaeJong Mu-Yeol (604-661). King TaeJong had traveled to many places but this was the place he enjoyed shooting arrows. 

Under the lighthouse of this resort is a rock called Sinseon Rock, named after the myth that gods and goddesses came down here to relax. At this rock is a figure called Mangbuseok, named after the story of a woman who waited for her husband who had been taken to Japan. Taejongdae is also famous for the ritual of praying for rain, performed when there are droughts, and rain on the 10th of lunar May is called the 'Taejong Rain'. On days with clear skies you can see Japan’s Tsushima Island from the observatory.

Recommended route: Plaza → Natural Observation Path → Sports Park → Taejongsa Temple → Lighthouse → Lighthouse Jagal Madang → Lighthouse Cruise Ship → Observatory → South Port Viewing Point → Gumyeongsa Temple → Taewon Jagal Madang → Taewon Cruise Ship → Gonpo Cruise Ship → Plaza

& so, we decided to travel all th way up to th lighthouse which was about 2km. Super tiring cos we were not walking on a flat pavement but climbing up th hill....... But we managed to reach th top in about an hour! Saw this gallery on Cui Ji Woo (one of my fav idol featuring in Winter Sonata & Stairways to Heaven) & she's so pretty hehe totally in love w her!

Continued our way up all th way to th light house as what we have said. Felt really exhausted frm all th climbing but it was worth it! Th scenery was beautiful & th wind was so strong...

Went down hill after all th photo taking becos we were hungry & we saw this stall having really long queues.. So as typical singaporeans, we followed th queue too. Swear this chilli jia jung mun & bean paste jia jung mun tasted DAMN GOOOOD~ It costs us only 6,000won per bowl & th portion was huge.

Decided to head over to Gwanggali Beach after that becos it is known for its famous Gwangandaeyo Bridge & night lights. Alighted at Gwanggan Station before we took a 10 mins walk to the beach. If you not know, this bridge stretches 7.4km frm Namcheondong to Centum City & it is th largest bridge over th ocean in Korea.

Decided to skip dinner & eat this instead becos we were being greedy & th krispy kreme sold in Korea were all so cheap! Hehehehe simple day, couldn't ask for more :)

Last post of Korea will be up soon, probably by nxt month I promise. It's only about 30+ days left to th end of th year. How time flies~

