Macau [GuanYin Statue+MCM] & Hongkong Day 2 [Tsim Sha Tsui+Symphony of lights]

Macau & Hongkong Day 2

Day 2 itinerary: Ah Ma Temple > GuanYin Statue > MCM Hotel > Back to Hongkong > Tsim Sha Tsui > Victoria Harbour

Day 2 of Macau!

Woke up super early & headed out for breakfast buffet at th hotel! Hehehe yummy! I love all th food there, esp th porridge which me & dad love!!

Took bus to th very famous Ah Ma Temple first.

Thn we took th bus to GuanYin Statue. Sky was super dark after that!

Went to MCM to take some photos agn becos we lost th few photos that we took ytd.. :( I love th aquarium!!

Headed back to th hotel to check out before we took th shuttle bus to th ferry terminal to go back to Hongkong.

Arrived at Hongkong at around 4 plus & we went to checked in to our hotel, Royal Plaza Hotel.

Took th train to Tsim Sha Tsui. We settled for lunch & dinner at this restaurant after walking for DAMN long becos I couldn't find th restaurant that I wanted to go. Damn grumpy...... But th food here is good & cheap here, thankfully!! :) Costs us about Sgd$65 for everything. Ordered quite a lot becos we were super tired & hungry.

I love th food here!! :P

Walked over to Victoria Harbour to catch th Symphony of lights~~ Pretty Hongkong night lights just like Singapore.

Walked through th Avenue of Stars, bought starbucks before we headed back to th hotel to wash up & sleep. Super tiring day!

My fav day (Disneyland) in th nxt post! Stay tuned!!
