Bf's birthday

Time spend tgt is what I cherish th most between us.


Spent my almost two full days w this boy last wkend! Went over to his house on fri night after baking this choco cake in th afternoon & we had a mini bday celebration at midnight w all his friends. :) :) :)

We both took bus down to Vivo for lunch at Kim Gary Hk restaurant first th nxt day, before heading down to Hard Rock hotel to meet th rest! Hehe good fooood! :)

Went swimming at their pool & thn nua in th room to watch Spiderman 3 all th way til dinner time! Hehe love days like that whn all we have is time for one another! I had a great time w all his friends & their girlfriends too. :D

I love my boifeee, becos he dotes on me th most now. ♥
